

About the Program

The aim of Smartkiddies is to develop skills and motivate learning through reward and enjoyment.

The program benefits students by helping to master the skills they have been taught in the classroom, using an engaging program that is developed by experienced teachers.

It is NOT compulsory for your child to visit Smartkiddies from home, but any additional access to this site will be beneficial. This is a great opportunity for your child to build up their confidence and improve their skills, from home, on an educational website.


How students login, 

    1. Go the home page,
    2. Find the login box, top right
    3. Enter Username: STJOSEPHS4GREEN
    4. Enter Password: 1234
    5. Click login, green button to submit
    6. Search and click on your name
    7. Enter your password.  Your Password is your surname
    8. Students have 24 hr access from school or home using the login above